grow brave counselling - Certified Daring Way Facilitator Brene Brown Brisbane
ABN 14 453 275 445 | PO Box 3243 Warner QLD 4500 | 0434 827 765

Grow Brave

What does it mean to grow brave?........

Chair Time

By growing our emotional intelligence and stepping into uncomfortable places where we are vulnerable or even by definition the most courageous work there is! Grow Brave Counselling facilitates the difficult work of growing into being wholehearted, more compassionate and fulfilled human beings.

There is no greater threat to the critics and cynics and fearmongers than those of us who are willing to fall because we have learned how to rise with skinned knees and bruised hearts; We choose owning our stories of struggle, Over hiding, over hustling, over pretending. When we deny our stories, they define us. When we run from struggle, we are never free. So we turn toward truth and look it in the eye. We will not be characters in our stories. Not villains, not victims, not even heroes. We are the authors of our lives. We write our own daring endings. We craft love from heartbreak, Compassion from shame, Grace from disappointment, Courage from failure. Showing up is our power. Story is our way home. Truth is our song. We are the brave and broken-hearted. We are rising strong."

- Brené Brown, Rising Strong

My qualifications include:

Bachelor of Arts - USQ
Graduate Diploma of Counselling - ACAP
Graduate Diploma of Psychology - QUT
Masters of Social Work - QUT (Candidate)
Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator
Diploma of Somatic Psychotherapy (Candidate)

Currently my Memberships include:

Queensland Counsellors Association (QCA)
Psychotherapy and Counselling Association of Australia (PACFA)
International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (IICT)
Australian Associate of Social Workers (AASW)

Brene Brown

We are all human, we are all connected, and we are all in this together.

Sandra ☺

Some of my Inspirations

Rob Bell Cast

The RobCast

Rob Bell totally rocks talking about spirituality separate from conservative evangelicalism!

Inner Hue

Inner Hue

For your local spiritual reconnection to self on 'steroids'.....Lauren is extraordinary at reconnecting you back to.....well yourself really!

Soul Sister Circle

Soul Sister Circle

A powerful local group of gals getting together on a monthly basis to connect and talk about real soul purpose.

Sarah Wilson

Sarah Wilson

Not only does she talk about food and sugar free eating, she's a spiritual gypsy reporting on what's real and what's not real!

Chopra Center Meditation

Chopra Center Meditation

I have really found guided meditation helpful and would recommend it as a daily/weekly/anytime practice!

Pema Chodron Foundation

Pema Chodron Foundation

I-love-everything-that-she-says!! 1 quote a day is all you need for a kinder, simpler existence.

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart simplifies anxiety and depression and gives us tools to stay present and grateful.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic! Let's talk about how soul self gets to express itself in creative good!

Chopra Center Meditation

Dr. Christiane Northrup

Her work on Hormones and Intuitive medicine has completely changed my thinking on biology vs intention!

Abraham Hicks

Abraham Hicks

Ester Hicks channels Abraham and talks about the laws of attraction, purpose and focusing on the positive!

Brene Brown

Bren? Brown

Tools to Brave it up!

Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama

Quotes that bring peace and compassion.